Monday, November 3, 2014

Middle East

So that if it correctly uses to advantage the abundant wealth of the oil at the time of fat cows and if it keeps distant of its negatividade, they must be created mechanisms so that the resources arrive at the population; to stimulate the transparent installment of public and private accounts; to make economic planning of long stated period; to diversify the local economy; to create contigent fund for future investments in infrastructure and social projects. New technologies of exploration and new methods of perforation assist to find oil in before discarded places. In accordance with specialists the world-wide peak of discoveries of rude oil will occur inside of 10 the 15 years. That is, it does not have much time to develop clean alternative energies commercially and you renewed? as the solar one, of the winds, geothermal, of the tides among others. The civilization based on the oil, the mostsucceeded energy regimen of all history human being, is arriving at the threshold of a turn. Three forces converge quickly and force the society to take decisions on which methods to adopt to guarantee its future: imminent global peak in the oil production; concentration of the remaining reserves in the Middle East; gradual heating of the world-wide atmosphere.

Movements in favor of the ambient preservation grow for the whole world, and the basic principles of contested the industrial society are each time more. The petroliferous industry, that produced extraordinary advances technological and contributed for the formation of the modern world, is in the top of the list of the sectors that more are criticized, contested and investigated. It gains force for the planet diverse actions and multiple efforts in the direction to reduce the burning of all the fsseis fuels, for causing atmospheric pollution, acid rain, destruction of the ozone layer and global heating, among others serious ambient damages. But the civilization of the hydro-carbons resists to open hand of the innumerable proportionate comforts to the capitalist way of living.

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