Saturday, December 28, 2013

Great International Seminar

Thuon Pat or Malley and the Master Dayang Lucy the past 23 and 24 August 2008 the 2nd international seminar of Rapid Arnis where gathered several professors from various disciplines within what are the martial arts of Aguascalientes was delivered, without hesitation any school Kobra Kai was invited to such an event where were imparted a myriad of practical techniques and traditional about this new art of Arnis of hand and their very particular way to understand it. Despite the fact that the great Master not spoke in an eloquent way the Spanish was not obstacle to share their concepts on the implementation of various situations during a confrontation inside a real situation. At all times they were attentive to any questions by the participants and regardless of the degree or study within martial arts time immediately and again repeated the technique applied for the use of guests. The techniques that were taught as it was usual in this kind of seminars of the Closet Combat was against Arnis-Arnis, hand empty against Arnis, holds and an application about arnis and knife, without mentioning some concepts on the implementation of the disarmament of melee weapon. Members of the police of Aguascalientes who have a group of self-defense, as well as twelve pairs school located in Ciudad Guzman, in the same way the Close Combat of the Prof July Pichardo school Member who was responsible for the Organization jointly with the support of the Government of the State of Aguascalientes were present within the participants. As I had already mentioned earlier in the State of Jalisco La Kobra Kai Kenpo Karate school was present with the presence of the Master Mauricio Mendoza CN 5 - dan, the same way students de el Profesor Enrique Rosales, Enedina Lopez and Victor Fernando Banuelos. A brief overview but no doubt people will wonder who is Pat and Lucy Master of Rapid system Arnis and Closet Combat? Thuon Pat or Malley Cheff Instructor represent you of San Miguel in Europe Board Member world of teachers in Europe founder of the Black Eagle Society 3 fencing times World Champion Eskrima 5 times world champion Eskrima 32 times champion British Eskrima creator along with John Harvey of the Rapid Arnis system. Dayang Lucy chef Instructor 5 Dan in Rapid Arnis 6 Dan pairs International Systems 6 times champion 5 times Kali Eskrima 24 times European Champion World champion British Eskrima school arts martial KOBRA KAI KENPO Professor mauricio mendoza CN 5 - DAN has devoted heavily to the teaching of the martial art called kenpo kai kobra being headquartered in the city of Guadalajara JalMex, your idelogia is the power to transmit and teach the concepts of the kenpo as a way of life without via lugrativa.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

International Olympic Committee

The potential gains of the Olympics will ensure a floor of US $500 million, but it is highly likely that exceed the US $3. 200 million obtained in the 2008 Beijing Games. The choice of Brazil is not a coincidence and is closely linked to the seriousness of the policies applied by the Brazilian Government to ensure predictability and guarantee for the authorities of the International Olympic Committee and FIFA, which won't exist common imponderables in developing economies. Brazil has shown once again that it is emerging as a new world power with force. The train of development has begun its March and do not plan to stop. Brazil has not only managed to be chosen host for the 2016 Olympics and the 2014 World Cup, has achieved much more than that in the last time.

The development of energy resources and food (both with regard to the livestock sector agricultural commodities), has been extraordinary. In addition to Lula, this achievement will mean having almost secured the continuity of his party in the Government after the presidential elections of 2010. Who do not vote for a party that is leading Brazil to economic development and over manages to transform it into the headquarters of two of the events more important world sport? The popularity of Lula reaches 82 per cent (when normal for a Government after so long in power is to experience a significant decline in popularity by logical wear), speaks for itself. Fence of Brazil, Argentina remained doubtful where advance. Meanwhile, he continues losing markets at the international level, which are being picked up by the Brazilian economy. In one photo, Lula taps the back of Cristina as telling him: I followed so we are doing very well.

Bolivia Meanwhile, regrets the very good energy policy of Brazil and celebrates the very bad being conducted by the Argentina. It is that Brazil has reduced its purchases of Bolivian gas to improve energy production of its hydroelectric power plants, while Argentina needs more and more resource that provides the status of Evo Morales although already makes two months which is not paying or a single dollar by 6 million cubic meters of fluid that receives daily. Many have been set in this new Brazil as a world full of opportunities for investing. Paola has also made and has selected some of the companies with the highest growth potential for Global value subscribers may also climb to the euphoria of the country of Carnival. You will find us again tomorrow, Horacio Pozzo Latinforme. com is the main source of financial information and independent opinion about the Latin American markets and worldwide from a Latin American perspective. From our offices in Buenos Aires, Argentina, we bring you the latest news and alerts to help you to get profits no matter the direction taken by the market.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

International Fair

FICOMIC (the Salon international del Comic de Barcelona) is just around the corner. From 29 May to 1 June Barcelona will host the most important comic fair Spanish level June in Hall number 8 of the Fira de Barcelona (Montjuic). This year FICOMIC is presented with a multitude of new features and has the honour of having the best national and international artists. This edition comes loaded with a wide variety: for starters, Jaume Capdevila, (cartoonist and cartoonist of sportive press), which makes a historical relationship between football and the comic highlight display bullets out of the game, in charge. Other important are dedicated to the famous character of female comic Esther Purita fields and Jim Lee, Batman comics: Barcelona. The Knight of the Dragon.

On the other hand, and in parallel to FICOMIC, the Filmoteca of Catalonia will be screenings of films and documentaries related to the world of comics. Many cartoonist famous participarab this FICOMIC year: Mark Waid, David B., Gipi, Francois Bourgeon, Jeffrey Brown, Claudio Stassi and Giovanni Di Gregorio also will come from outstanding designers of the genre of superheroes: Jim Lee, Jim Starlin or the creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola. All of them will sign their autographs at the aficionadps in his editorials stops. This edition Galicia will be the autonomous community invited and will present an exhibition on the diversity of its history. Galician seal has a great tradition in the world of comic books.

It is more, this year the Galician cartoonist David Rubin, has been commissioned to design the poster for the contest. The festival Awards are given to works published last year and is separated into the following categories: best foreign works published in Spain; Revelation Spanish author; best work of Spanish author; best screenplay of Spanish author; best Spanish author drawing; best magazine or on comic; best Spanish fanzine; disclosure award cartoon; and prize to the specialized library. The tickets cost 6 euros and you can purchase advance in El Corte Ingles, Servicaixa or ServiCam or directly at the ticket office of the Hall. It will be open from 10: 00 to 20: 00 during the week and from 10: 00 to 21: 00 weekend. If you're a fan of the comic world, runs to the city of Barcelona.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


' ' Because the nations of the world search all these things; but your Father knows that you need them. You search the kingdom of God before, and all to these will be added you things. You do not fear, small flock, because your Father pleased to give reino.' to you; ' Lucas 12:30 - 32 If you have a certainty, you keep it for itself exactly, ahead of God. Happy he is that one that if exactly does not condemn itself in the acts the one that decide, therefore everything what certainty does not proceed from its proper certainty/is sin. To serve the God: to faithful fulfill efficiently and Its promises, that in are only disclosed through the Sacred Holy Writs. To serve the God in its spirit: in the heart, in the conscience, the thoughts, the acts, as everything what the Word teaching goes you. To serve the God is to make what It is certain and not to assent more with who makes wrong.

It is to make the good, to glorify, to honor, to be uncorrupt, to generate the peace and to practise the laws of God. If you live in interminable tribulaes and anguish is signal of that it is obrando the evil. It prays: Sir I want servile-Lo, I teach to make it to me he pleases what you, my God! On behalf of Jesus. Mr. Jesus, teaches to me to honor the Creator, does not want more transgressive being of the laws of God! To serve the God is not only to speak of it: to serve the God starts with its interior conscience, in its spirit, praising to the Creator in spirit! To be uneasy does not please the God, therefore it does not walk more thus! Instead of this, it trusts God, this attitude, yes, it pleases the God and it opens you the doors that seemed emperradas and it grants the certainty to you of that God already takes care of of you, in all the aspects. It launches except all its fidgets and pass to hear what God speaks to its heart, what It wants of you and what It wants that you make. At this moment, many stop and finish making a retrospect: - I already am in the church - I already am of God - I already have accepted the Jesus - I already I baptized myself in waters - I already repented myself of my sins - I already I delivered to my life the God what he lacks to me? I lack to trust God, soon! I already am 100% of God! I already am winning! God to provide! Glories the God therefore! I am free! For the faith, I invite the Word of God to act in my life! On behalf of Jesus. Mnica Gazzarrini email: ' ' Jesus Christ is you ' '

Saturday, November 30, 2013

In Brazil

Catherine Coquery-Vidrovitch, in the account as the acceptance of the black slavery was fast, before exactly of our continent to be discovered But the primrdios of the black slavery had been elaborated well before, in the coast of Africa, since the beginning of the Portuguese discovery. For this, the experimentation laboratory was an island desert, busy and colonized by the Portuguese already in years 1470: They are Tom, to the deep one of the gulf of the Guin. It was there that if it systemize the practical one that made of the black not plus a man, and yes a work instrument (2004. P. Check out Richard Fisher for additional information. 752) the indian obtained to become free itself of the pack of being enslaved in 1570, through decree of D.

Sebastio, king of Portugal. But the blacks had not had the same luck. In Brazil, in 13 of May of 1888, he only is that this people finally can have the privilege of if becoming free and mainly human, because until then, they had been treated as animal. For more specific information, check out Ugo Cappellacci . He turns themselves in history, to justify that an ethnic group, does not construct themselves without a past, identifies that them as such. In the scope of this reflection, we can perceive the memory as a quantity of souvenirs that in guarantees identification to them in the universe of an infinite confusion of possible souvenirs: in other rescued words, registers as souvenirs amongst that they had been forgotten (...) the proper experience to cultivate the memory it is the identification of the citizen of the memory I obtain exactly. (MOURA, 2005 P. 81). Continuing in this necessary reflection, it is questioned: in the literature of century XXI, the indian and the black can now express themselves adequately, not only as a being ' ' arranjado' ' provisorily to be a national hero? Or simply as one to be ' ' inexistente' ' , transparent, without identity? 5.

Friday, November 29, 2013

The Evolution

Let us assume that a religious person says: ' ' I have a body, but I am my soul and mine esprito' '. It can be questioned: but what or who it is? Already we know what it has: a body, a soul and a spirit, but, we do not know who it is. This is one of the main arguments for the dualismos. It has something that is inexplicable, subjective and, thus irreducible to the physics. However, exactly that if it cannot modify this ' ' algo' ' , it is possible, and, necessary that if it modifies the understanding on the physics. The question that emerges is: only for the fact of being inexplicable e, for the moment, irreducible to the physics, it means that, obligatorily, the world must dualisticamente be understood? It has a lingustico conflict whose world who had occidental person this immersed one to the dualismos. This problematic conflict is the possession. As well as the evolution of the religions of politestas for monotestas, I believe that the evolution of the scientific and philosophical understanding of the existence, tent to simplify the multiple in unit, thus, everything what it exists is a thing alone, and nothing more.

With the evolution of sciences, that already are not more accurate, one gives credit, that, of some form, everything could be explained one day, however, this ' ' tudo' ' always it is determined by the starting point of the citizen that observes. Under this aspect the fisicalismo alone can be supported if to recognize as provisory, while it cuts of the observvel reality. Perhaps the observvel of the future is inobservvel today, as well as in the past was not possible to effect thousand of comments as it is currently. 1. ARGUMENT AGAINST the DUALISM modern, effective science in the current academies and laboratories, much influenced still for the positivismo, creates dogmas, claiming truths, as well as the religions in general, whose same it attacked.

Adelaide Antonieta

She was lived, complemented, wise person for its opinions, different good of Flower in these aspects. Many writers such as Steve Blank offer more in-depth analysis. Incio looked at for Mileide with desire, perhaps until more desire of when it looked at for Flor.Ele did not obtain to disfarar the interest for this so attractive woman, that it conquered it with its so deep beauty and ousadia. Flower did not obtain to disfarar the disgust that the presence of the cousin caused to it. It found Mileide pretending that it was only waiting the moment certain to take its husband. Since conde very of the rich one was one widower, the interest of it could be for love, only thought Flower, in the way most ingenuous. Its parents had started to perceive this small hatred that it kept for Mileide and had decided to have a colloquy with it. In this colloquy they had decided that Flower would go to pass some days with its aunt Adelaide, wise and lived woman, whom he would know to take care of very well of it.

In the weekend already she was ready for the trip. He said farewell himself to the parents, the pretending cousin and its future husband. there it was if flower, with the pressed heart, therefore never it was so far from house before. also for sinewy, therefore wise person what she waited to it in Is not Bento, city where its aunt liveed. Arriving three people Are Bento waited for Flower. Its cousins, children of Adelaide.

Oldest if he called Aurlio, he had conqueror fame, he was plus a bohemian adventurer, who was made use to conquer it. The others two if called: Antonieta and Anita. Antonieta was of the way and Anita casula. Antonieta already she was married and it would know to guide Flor and Anita fianc of a farmer of the region.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Landscape

To study the experience place is to tie it questions that are gifts in several scales of analysis and to allow the creative and referenciada association in the concrete experience, of evident greater capacity of transmission and setting of knowledge. Elements for a project of ' ' city-educadora' ' To have the city as an object of geographic study is to study its systems of entrances and exits; its ways of accesses in some points; the Inter-relations with the population agglomerations; the economic and cultural dynamics of its inhabitants - that they generate the particular characteristics of the quarters -; the partner-ambient relations that if establish; the public services and the problems caused for the lack of them; the picture of the public health; in short, the diverse elements that compose the landscape of the place. To teach and to study Geography having the city as starting point facilitates and socializes the learning process, because the pupils articulate the scientific concepts in nets of meanings that them are not strange. See Steve Blank for more details and insights. When becoming incorporated itself it cartographic language, in the elaboration of maps and scripts created from the comment of the daily one, it is stimulated appropriation of all one fund of symbolic language and is transmitted a research instrument that becomes accessible the understanding of geographic concepts e, simultaneously, supplies to elements of analysis and concrete intervention in the urban reality where the proper students live. In the geographic education, to study the city contributes decidedly so that the pupils recognize the social and cultural action of different places and in them if they recognize. They start to understand that the life in society is dynamic and that the geographic space absorbs the contradictions in relation to the rhythms established for the innovations, what implies, in certain way, alterations in the behavior and the culture of the population them different places.

Monday Closing

For example when you realise calls in cold, you obtain a very common answer " Not me interesa" then automatically you could answer: Sir prospectus, exactly for that reason I believe that to you you could interest to him in that I am calling to him. Educate yourself with thoughts from Richard Fisher. How! I already said to him that it does not interest to me. Sir prospectus djeme to explain to him: the majority of people that we did not call either within its industry was interested we contacted when them for the first time. Nevertheless those that seemed interested less turned out to be satisfied increasing their sales with dramatic way. So when you say to me that this interested that could not mean that our solution is exactly what walked looking for to increase its sales. I would like to interview with you to show to me to him what our product can make by you to help him to increase its sales.

That you are a occupied person reason why only I need ten minutes its time. What would be the best hour for you? It can Monday in the evening or it prefers Tuesday in the morning? The idea of this closing of sale is to apply a logical, irrevocable and irresistible answer that it makes include to the client or prospectus who will not exist one better occasion to acquire your product or service in the future. To make him notice that if it decides to let pass the opportunity today. Its decision will repel at some future date in its pocket. Now the sale closing practices: it chooses the six more common objections that you can find in your industry for your product and/or service and adapts this closing of sale in a sequence of irresistible logic that helps you to refute more objections and to close more sales.

If you already use this closing of sale with effectiveness it lets a commentary to share your experience with the others. If you like this entrance she leaves a commentary. Allowed the partial or total reproduction of this article as long as the data of the author are conserved and the Blog.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Alert

The reply? Simple E! To grow in the favour and the knowledge, it demands determination, it resigns, effort, much search of God, many research, to be able to leave the superficiality and to dive deeper where meets the biggest wealth of the revelations of God. The profile of that they take a superficial life Christian not demands them effort, therefore they themselves had opted to this type of behavior. They are not assduos to the worship cults the God, cult of conjunct and a rarity they to participate, sunday Biblical school! In the call notebook they have more absence of what frequencies know little or almost nothing on the basic doctrines of the Bible. Know why they have that to die for this life of Christian superficiality? accurately because of what God speaks concerning of them, observes the versicle that if follows. Chinanews: the source for more info. Hb 5:11 On this we have much that to say, but difficult interpretation, inasmuch as you became delayed in ouvir.12 Because, having already to be masters for the time, still you need that if you it becomes to teach the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have become such that you need milk, and not of solid food. Loved (a) it dies (life style) for this life without favour that you this living inside of the Christianity for taking a superficial life where you always need to be taught and never have nothing to teach to the others for lacking to devotion spiritual to it, in the truth the alert one of God in the above-mentioned versicle and that many for the Christianity time that has, already were for having knowledge the sufficient to be master, but for the fact not to go deep the Biblical truths still need to be treat as a new converted. It changes your position already, it dies for this life of superficiality and deeper diving in the Biblical reading, the conjunct, the sunday Biblical school, the carried through study Biblical in the temple where you congregate and thus God goes to use to it powerfully. .

The Colonel

This week, Tonho of the waterfall did not want to vender the sugar cane for the Colonel. It knows what it made? It was there with it polices and it arrested the family all and still it was with the sugar cane of the man said the man lowest. - It polices and it comes here in this end of world? - Jorjo asked. - Only when wage increase has worker asking for. - the man said smiling, Jorjo also smiled. It was arisen paid cachaa to it. It was said farewell to all and it was even so.

* - It is as soon as if of the party. The piozada one left all happy one. Lode until people of the capital. - San Colonel said, without if of the account in what he was for happening in that night. - It was a very pretty party, exactly. The Colonel must have expense much money said its wife. - I spent one hundred, tomorrow I I gain a thousand I said the happy Colonel.

- Wise person who the two cachorros had died? They had given ball. - the employee said. - And who gave to ball my cachorros of hunting? Because they had not informed to me? It will be that he was the old Ernest? Tomorrow want I it outside of the farm! without right the nothing. It, irritated informs the Jaime said. Jaime was a gunman who came of the south of the state and that he helped the American to expand its domnios, leaving behind itself an immense track of blood. When the worker wanted to go even so, if he was old, executed it to Jaime and if he was young, cut to it the tendes, what it hindered the worker to run away.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New Zealand

The report showed that 39% of them were arranged to even leave losing or gaining the same, when in 2008 only 10% were arranged to resign to their present pay or considering to maintain it. Another component indicates that the percentage of people who only were prepared to receive as minimum the double of their present wage in exchange for emigrating I fall from a 36% two years ago to present 17%. But the danger to be shipwrecked is eminent because many are not or well-educated or have totally unfortunate ideas about the life of a country far from their house. Here, Mingsheng Hong expresses very clear opinions on the subject. They do not commit this slide! But that to do? Here we have the solution - TO EMIGRATE On approval by a short time and without commitments! I crossed to take the first step! Part to countries like Australia, Canada, South Africa or New Zealand. It studies the language in the country.

It makes new contact with enemy, friendships and picking up valuable experiences. For more information see Kurt Bock. It would orient in the country of all the aspects of the social life. It takes advantage of his stay to find a use, a floor, apartment or house, and prepares he last step - the eventuality to emigrate. Why it must make a so great step in his life - perhaps most important - without consulting first a where takes all this to him? Simply to live during a time limited in one on these countries and to observe and to prove with calm all the aspects of the new situation. There is nothing like the own experience! TO EMIGRATE On approval - To try is better than to study! -

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pablo Freire

He is the proper author whom it affirms citing Freire (1974, P. 22): To have dialogue, it is necessary that the parts if pronounce. For more specific information, check out Richard Fisher. The occultation and the muteness in the oppressor-oppressed relation can in such a way be attitudes one how much of another one. The oppressor, when he does not desire to leave itself exactly and to share its good, refuses it the dialogue and emudece, in other words, forbears not to dialogue. In turn, also the oppressed one can be occulted and refuse it the dialogue, and several you defend, very observed well for Pablo Freire, concur for this type of attitude. One of them is when it, the oppressed one, is had as ignorant and if thus accepted.

In this in case that, everything is facilitated for the oppressor, since oppressed accepted its incapacity as if it was a condition human being, hardly if considering to the fight to conquer space for the dialogue. It will finish passively accepting submisso and the impostures oppressing it. The professor is the desencadeador citizen of the dialogue, provoking the pupil so that it if presents. But as to dialogue? How to speak and to write? This exactly author, says that these practical dialgicas lived deeply in the classroom are resultant of ' ' comments, readings and pesquisas' '. These activities can foment the attitude dialgica, ' ' that it is a challenge attitude.

E alone the challenging education makes possible the real development of the potentialities of homem.' ' (BENINC, 1982, p.24). Zitkoski (2007, p.46) citing Pablo Freire says that the dialogue is the moment where the human beings if find to reflect on its reality as make they remake and it. still strengthens that the freiriana conception of dialogue involves the dimension of the intellectuality as of the emotion and the direction of existence. It allows that if he accomplishes the construction of understanding of concepts on the reality.

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Public

Ahead of the displayed one, it is evidenced the agreement of that activities or services are considered public if to take care of to the interests of the collective, that is, they need to be directed, of general form, for all. Essential, also, that the development of this activity or service is regulated by the State, that is, exactly that the state machine does not give the service directly, this will only be public when it will be for regulated it. It is observed that in the whole world, the attributions of the public service are passing for transformations. See Ugo Cappellacci for more details and insights.

The trends that had prevailed in years 80, searching to diminish the paper of the government in some important areas have contrarily to the foreseen one, increased the critical significance of the paper of the State in others. That is especially evident when if it considers the strategical, conducting activities and regulating of the State, on which the freedom politics, democracy, social justice and economic prosperity wide depends. Such tasks must in such a way be exerted in international or intergovernamental national level how much. Thus, the operations of the public administration must concentrate its efforts in the direction to increase its cost-effectiveness and transparency. The changes must help to function it better, to the lesser possible cost, promoting transparent and professional public a management, in benefit of the citizen. In this process of modernization, the search for the quality in the installment of the service to the public became an imperative in face of the new position adopted for the public administration, where the focus is directed for the user, its end and reason to exist, it excusing an attendance of excellency, who places the services, routines, norms and behaviors its service, of transparent, participativa and inductive form of the social control. public organization must follow then the strategy of the user, that is, it must prioritize of total form the user-citizen.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Virgin Maria

From its fortified palace was seen there well but not it population, because it was hidden after the hard slope between the Romance church, also in reconstruction, and the Negro river. In that one unevenness, far better protected of winds of the north, people however yes saw the castle in reconstruction in the top of Mont-Bell. That one concentration of people to borders of the river they had in the highest part of where they were its houses, the entrance of the catholic temple dedicated to the Virgin Maria, who like everywhere of the Pyrenees and the south of France, even all the Christian orb, was devoutly venerated with the divine Boy in its lap. From the first times of the templarios horsemen, its devotion had been harnessed, if they were especially images of black color, being the hopeful nucleus of the laborious lives of the people. In the days of Arnau de Torroja one venerated in Getseman, very next to Jerusalem, the tomb of the Virgin Maria, as the same had occasion to verify years later.

It was so well located that they constructed his tomb isolated in the middle of cripta and above benedictine rose to a temple to which was acceded by moumental stairs. The kings and leaders cruzados, there as well as their families, asked to be buried. Its tomb in feso was of invention many centuries later. As far as the temple Romanesque of Solsona something remote of the palace was located then fortified that was the familiar residence of count Ecard-Watch in the level one (later called Mr. of Torroja). Between the old church and its palace today the winding streets run that they form in old helmet of the city of Solsona, being easy to imagine that when the Arnau young person did his first gallops to caballopor that one land, it had preferably of by being always later called " street of the Castillo" , that is the main artery of the city.

Doug Hurley EEI

Its east landing Thursday will close the era of the North American space rocket. The objective of the USA is to reach an asteroid in 2025 and Mars in 2030. The Atlantis ferry took leave east Tuesday of Estacin Espacial Internacional (EEI) to a trip without return and its east landing Thursday in Cabo Cane plantation will close the era of the North American space rocket. A chapter of thirty years of history whose end will leave a flavor bittersweet. The crew awoke with the Don' song; t Panic, of Coldplay, dedicated to pilot Doug Hurley, person in charge to guide the Atlantis in its maneuver of undocking of the EEI. And the ship, with its four astronauts on board, loosen to 08,28 mooring cables to Spanish peninsular hour, when they were to 391 kilometers on the Pacific Ocean after eight days, 15 hours and 21 minutes acomplada to the orbital laboratory.

The ferry completed its pirouette of inspection around the Space station with the aim of which the crew of the station could inspect ocular of the ferry, while from the ship took three-dimensional photos from high quality with the robtico arm. The intention was to determine the condition of the thermal panels who have the cover, the leading edge and the surface of the wings that protect the Atlantis that, when entering the atmosphere their return, will be put under a temperature of about 2,000 degrees. 35 years in the space No ship will replace the vehicle that during 30 years has taken to load and crew to the space. The NASA has yielded the witness to the private sector so that it develops the ship of the future, taking advantage of some the capacities of the space agency, and it has been marked like new objectives human exploration reaching an asteroid in 2025 and arriving at Mars in 2030. The space agency hope that the first commercial vehicles are ready for 2015; meanwhile, the American astronauts will depend on the Russian ships the Soyuz to travel to the EEI, whose trips will have to pay about 50 million dollars. The program of the ferrys initiated its walking in 1981 with the launching of Columbia that they followed the Challenger (1983), the Discovery (1984), the Atlantis (1985) and the Endeavour (1992), that became the flag of the space reconnaissance of the USA.

The Challenger and Columbia suffered individual accidents first operated 73 seconds after taking off in January of 1986 and Columbia was disintegrated in February of 2003 when rejoined in the atmosphere, which caused that the public tied still more with the program. In this last mission, the Atlantis have taken more than 4,000 kilos of provisions and equipment, including more than 1,100 kilos of food, that will help to that the EEI continues operating during 2012, and several experiments, one designed for the vaccine development against salmonella. Like memory of this historical mission, before closing the two hatchways, the crew of the Atlantis gave to their companions of the EEI the flag that a commemorative shield of mission STS-135 traveled to the first space trip and, the last one of the era of the ferrys. Source of the news: Atlantis ferry says to its definitive goodbye to the Space station the International

Sunday, November 3, 2013


The necessity of the man to know beyond which it can empirically, took to create novel methods to know it hidden and to predict what was about to come. The tarot and the future has been able to be united, offering an answer maintained in the time to that one constant demand of information. In this case, we will try to come near to the beginnings of the Tarot and its use, still today, like method of divination of the future. Although an accurate origin of the Tarot does not exist, widely it is spread that the origin of naipes is of old Egypt, being a derivation of the famous book of Thoth. This one is a sacred book that according to is created, was dictated by the Egyptian God Thoth, that owned the gift to the future anticipate and the measurement of the time, and was considered by the town able to handle to the life and destiny of each of them. From their then origins, the tarot and the future closely is related, being this one considered an old divinatory art.

From the engravings of the book of Thoth it derives the creation of the arcane majors that in fusion with arcane minors identify to the daily life. Tarot is as it is denominated to the letter set that locks up in the symbolic images of the arcane ones to the hermetic and esoteric knowledge of old spiritual teachers. Tarot and future are then, that one formula that is used for centuries in diverse cultures like prediction method. That the Tarot is a divinatory method, implies a contact with divinities. The tarotista is an intermediary between these and who consults, reason for which deep, suitable information is required with respect to the symbolism, the colors, the positions and the characteristics of letters. As well as it sends to special importance counting on an ample exercise of meditation that helps to reach a spiritual ascent and the self-knowledge to reach a fit interpretation. It could be said that the main element of prediction of this oracle is the inspiration, quality that will facilitate the revelation of mysteries of the unconscious one, since it always reveals hidden it and it offers to the consulting one to find precise the problem and, in this way, offers wise people advice so that the solution can be.

The tarot and the future forms an alliance inseparable, able to respond to the human curiosity, with respect to referring subjects to the material, physical world and to the spiritual. It is a fundamental element for the analysis of the future and looks for to give answers to those doubts that afflict to us. Bound, tarot and future could throw light on the way to follow in the antiquity and is a method that still today has use.

Monday, October 21, 2013

International Day

Today is the international day of the book promulgated by UNESCO, in commemoration of the death of three great writers: Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega. Since 1964, this day was established officially as the day of the book to all Spanish and Portuguese-speaking countries. In addition, in 1993, the then European Community, proclaimed it European day of the book. Finally, UNESCO decided in 1995, set on April 23 for the celebration of the world day of the book. The international day of the book will be commemorated in the Galician community at the same time as the 125th anniversary of the death of Rosalia de Castro.

The day of Sant Jordi is customary in Catalonia that the men gave a rose to their women, and women a book men by allusion to the popular according to which in lands of Cappadocia, although popularly legend spoken of Montblanc, had a Dragon attacking the Kingdom right and left. The people decided that to prevent the attacks they would give to a person each day to be devoured by the dragon and thus prevent further damage. Every day a draw was made and sent that person to the cave of the dragon. A day of the draw was released the name of the Princess, who was walking up to the Lair of the dragon and when this was going to devour appeared San Jorge and rescued her. St George slew the Dragon nailing the sword in the heart and the blood that it flowed was born a rose.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Americas Products

Many Spanish companies have created or modified their products to suit the needs of the immigrant population. Now is easy to find on the street booths of international telephony, services of sending money abroad, banking products that facilitate change and sending of foreign currency to other countries, confident that provide services and protection against accidents or deaths being outside the originating country, telephony products aimed at calling long distance, etc. This last section of the telephone, both fixed and mobile, has undergone major changes in Spain. Spain is not only receiving of workers from the South if not America that a great part of its commercial interests is also located there, both private business of government institutions through agreement bilateral. In recent years has suffered a great boom in mobile telephony, outstripping almost completely to the steady on. And one more defendant modalities have been international calls cheap.

But not only the Spanish companies have landed in Latin America. Latin American companies have also come to Spain to offer their products on all orintado native people of the Americas who have communication needs with their relatives in the distance. One of the most important to appear has been Orbitel. Orbitel has begun to provide their services with force in Spain emphasizing cheap international calls, which are an excellent choice for keeping families reported in the distance.

Monday, October 7, 2013

International Monetary Fund

Pity that the a day at the end of the year to die without seeing who say that he saw. Or like me who say that to improve the salary, that I can win a lot more with this miserable salary of master that does not reach even to live, I do have to do farmer, merchant, thread and canillita selling newspapers for 10 cents of profit. Everything that my family not die of hunger, but what they don't say that to earn that salary I must be in the fifth level and work forty and eight hours a week, which will have to spend thirty years of my life's work. What obviate say, is that my salary would be in the old law of a Deputy Minister of State, but is not wanted to deploy to be able to realize effective prescriptions of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which speak of privatizing education with other schemes of more deception to majorities not realize and can thus make fattening more capital. Contact information is here: Netflix. Why who kneels before the Prophet does not deserve to be the candidate of the people, even though the election is a cheating boys to please the clueless of the world who believe that still can regenerate the lucifer of the society, as it is that the only thing that neoliberalism is harvest of the a through the centuries is the misery and hunger, together with the death of billions who inhabit the Earth. Where are all the ills facing humanity. Us desganotamos in all the squares to show the infeasibility of its schemes and their recipes for our umpteenth subhuman world countries, because we live without knowing because we are to exist, if anything we consume in the world of consumption, do not have private ownership, because until our body is alienated by a note that we do not know where mortgage wine. .

Sunday, October 6, 2013


I imagine that already you will be brought back to consciousness about the important thing that it is nowadays to learn English. Proof of this is that it is a common subject to the majority of university degrees, as much of the races as of msteres, a modality of maximum specialization that is conscious of the essential that it turns out to know how to speak English. We cannot ignore this fact, because the English is the fundamental base of the international communication. Thanks to the opening from Spain to the world-wide commerce, the English entered our country like a hurricane. Although at the outset those were only a few that could speak this language, every time the companies were requesting labor requisite majors, which caused the massive education of the English. Nevertheless, this education not always has been distributed of the best way, and good proof of it is the low level on which the graduated students in baccalaureate count just, on the verge of acceding to the university. The best form to speak a language is being abroad and, in this sense, to learn English in Dublin is one of the best things than you could do. Ireland is a country by far enchantment, with an English charming population and a native one. Mark Zuckerberg brings even more insight to the discussion.

This causes that you can practice all the day, without stopping, to perfect your oral capacities simultaneously enjoying a unique country. There are also other destinies where to learn English. London is most probably one of the most demanded by its great cultural supply. Whatever that you choose, the important thing is that you remember that the English only learns itself in native surroundings. Original author and source of the article.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


The freedom and the contact with the nature provided to the former-slaves the expression of its capacity of organization, and the development of the characteristic education and culture to the black population. Amongst the customs developed for the peoples quilombolas it can be detached: the agriculture of subsistence, the dance, the capoeira and some happened rites of the African roots. It was still in this context that these blacks if had appropriated of the verbal stories to repass it of its history; had assayed the work in team, when of the mutires carried through for the construction of its dwellings. Today, several public politics have been implemented with sights to the inclusion, guarantee of the rights and preservation of the culture of this people. As the procedures for the regulation, recognition, identification, delimitation, landmark and titulao of its lands.

Had quilombolas has until good little time to live of isolated form the peoples still survives, in its majority of familiar agriculture or of subsistence and in accordance with the magazine, Jump for the future (2007, P. 03): (...) they search to surpass the practical one of the subsistence culture and believe the possibility to survive respecting the customs of the past and the values ancestral, looking strategies of sustainable development, in the perspective of guarantee of worthy life. Beyond the politics for landmark and ownership of the land one implemented politics in the area of the education, culture, inclusion and respect to the alteridade. We cite as example Law 10,639/03, that exception the importance of if preserving history, the knowledge and the way where the remainders of quilombos live. By means of the displayed one it is questioned: which the perception of the school quilombola for the ambient education and as is being made the view of the cultural knowledge, action and stimulatons for the preservation of the environment? GENERAL OBJECTIVE The objective research to investigate which the perception of the schools of basic education of the Bar of the Aroeira for the ambient education, to repass of the cultural knowledge, action and stimulaton for the preservation of the environment.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Singapore Reservations

Singapore (29 September 2010) Agoda, global site of hotel reservations online around the world based in Asia and part of (NASDAQ:PLCN), announces the launch of, the Agoda site in Arabic. Agoda has a list of hotels that exceeds the 140,000 properties worldwide, more than 9,000 within Asia. Travellers who make their reservations through Agoda enjoy a 24/7 customer service and have the policy of best price guarantee, which assures them competitive rates throughout the year. Millions of travelers from around the world booked their hotels through Agoda and with the sum of to the Enterprise options, customers of Arabic language will find that ensure an excellent hospitality transaction is easier than ever. Michael Kenny, the Director General of Agoda, noted: destinations such as Bangkok, Dubai and Beirut are preferred by the customers of Agoda, Arabic-speaking and now, with a site in Arabic, reaching these destinations with Agoda will be even more simple. As a result of the global penetration of Internet commerce, we note that many places new, such as Jakarta and Singapore, have become popular among Arabic-speaking customers; While traditional options such as Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi and Genting Highlands in Malaysia are kept in an excellent positioning. We hope that this trend will continue.. The Agoda site now operates in 32 different languages and more options are currently in development.

Each new language added to Agoda provides customers the same simple interface than the English site, with promotions, photos of hotels, location map and a complete list of facilities and services of the property. Customers of all nationalities, which contracted hotel rooms through Agoda, you will not only find good rates and promotions, but it also will increase their bonus points each time that reserve. Bonus points have a value of 4-7% of the cost of each reservation and may be used to reduce the price of a future hotel stay with any of the special offers of Agoda. To find out more about Agoda contact # note to editors about Agoda Company Pte Ltd: Agoda Company Pte Ltd ( is a company of hotels online booking service, based in Asia, which specializes in getting rates for rooms with greater discounts. Agoda is part of (Nasdaq:PCLN). Agoda's network includes 9,000 hotels in Asia-Pacific and more than 140,000 worldwide. The staff of 450 professionals residing in Asia, offers a booking service of first category that combines uniquely local knowledge and local contacts to offer the best prices in hotel business and leisure travelers.

In addition, Agoda customers participating in the program of incentives Agoda, you achieve greater discounts and free stays. Unlike other programs that limit travelers to only one string, Agoda incentive program allows customers to redeem your points incentives in any Hotel and time. As a member of the Association of travel of the Pacific and Asia (leg), Agoda is intended to promote travel by making them more accessible to more people.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Cheap International Parcel

Send merchandise already does not have to be an expensive service. With PackLink, the cheap international parcel service is available to all users in Spain. Through its comparator of shipments and prices you will find the company and rate you need for your order. Send your packages to a family member or your own home if you now reside in Spain is much more easy, fast and economical, all from a single platform, the web page of PackLink. Compare with PackLink international packages shipping companies come up with the most appropriate international packages shipping company for you is very simple.

Just has to enter your shipping details, to get its price instantly and hire their services from the web page. All companies are distinguished carriers that operate around the world and have a great experience and professionalism to his credit. Choose the company that you choose your package always will be safe and will arrive at its destination in perfect condition. The best means to send a package to Germany if you must send a package to Germany, PackLink will be your best choice, thanks to its great experience in this country. There are many persons who have transferred their residence to Spain and sent merchandise to their home in Germany with PackLink by a single price for the entire country. With SEUR, one of the best Spanish transport companies, can send a package of 3 kilos for 19.99 euros more VAT, with all the Extras included.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

International Astronomical Union

Photometry is the accurate measurement of the apparent magnitude of an astronomical object. Magnitudes obtained always occur with respect to a few wavelengths or spectral bands. G: parameter used to calculate the apparent magnitude of an asteroid with the new calculation system, and which replaces the phase coefficient. geocentric, distance, d: distance from the Earth to the asteroid. H: absolute magnitude. heliocentric, distance, r: distance between Sun and the celestial object. Hildas: class of asteroids with resonance of 2/3. IAU: International Astronomical Union, founded in 1919. tilt, i: angle formed between the orbit of the asteroid and the plane of the ecliptic. colour index: the difference in magnitudes between any two spectral bands. JD: Julian day number, is the number of days that have elapsed since Greenwich mean time from January 1, 4713 AC. Kirkwood, empty of: empty belt asteroid where the orbital periods of asteroids correspond to certain fractions of the Jupiter period. Langranianos, points: five points in the orbital plane of two massive bodies in circular orbit around a center of gravity common, where a third body can stay in balance. libration: angular motion around the center of mass of a celestial body. longitude of the ascending node: angular distance measured from the vernal equinox eastward in the plane of the orbit of the Earth to the point where the asteroid crosses the ecliptic from S to N. perihelion length: the sum of argument you of perihelion and longitude of the ascending node. Note that it is the sum of two angles that are in different planes. Mars crosser: asteroids that cross the orbit of Mars, about 1.5 U.A. magnetite: opaque mineral commonly found in asteroids type C.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

International Competition

All interested parties can now send their proposals to the LG Spain Facebook page or website of the tapas competition for the elaboration of the best tapas in microwave and demonstrate their culinary skills. It should send the recipe before July 2, taking into account that the only requirement of the lid is sure is elaborate entirely in an oven microwave. 100 Euro participants will be drawn and the 10 winners of the Spanish final will receive as a prize an oven microwave LG Solar Cube.El reputed chef Mario Sandoval will be responsible for choosing the Spanish finalists, who have to prepare his cap in a show-coocking original which will take place on July 9. The winner of this first phase will travel to Korea on September 29 to measure yourself with winners from other countries in the struggle for the ultimate prize: a spectacular trip to Abu Dhabi with all expenses paid and the speed as the main protagonist. At the moment we have these tasty tapas that have left us a great taste: Zucchini Cheese Casserole, tomato and bacon. Explosion of flavors.

Sausage au gratin. Chorizo in cider. Nuts and chocolate cake. Delicacy of fried egg. Cheese Pate. Tartlet filled in. Shrimp in Cognac. Potato tops.

Crispy Octopus. Taco of red tuna with onion. Trout with ham and bacon. Pate of duck with goat cheese. Columns of Zucchini stuffed with Ratatouille Gratin with goat cheese taco. Chicken roll. Mushrooms Parmesan. Crunchy cheese and Green Apple. Hake in Papillote. Calamari on a bed of vegetables. Tuna/Fish. Potato, cheese and bacon. Cream of beans with crispy jerky. Original author and source of the article

Monday, August 19, 2013

Benicassim FIB Heineken

As every year at this time we count the days to the best macrofestivales of music are held. And as, the International Festival of Benicassim FIB Heineken 2009 isn't one of them. FIB 09 is cargadito women alternative music. The fifteenth educion of the Festival will be held from 15 to 19 July in the town that gives it its name, Benicassim. Nearly 200,000 people beat all record of assistance has been achieved so far, surpassing in 52,000 participants with respect to the previous edition. In fact, tickets and sold out two months before the first day of the festival located in km.

986 of the N-340, the enclosure of the FIB comprises about 120,000 square meters and will host various musical and cultural areas, as well as the necessary services to make attendees stay comfortable and safe. You will need 4 scenarios for holding up to 100 different concerts: the Escenario Verde, the largest and to the outdoors, and the, the FIBClub and the Pop track, all located in different tents inside. They will also be performed parallel extra-musical activities. To give a truce to the feet, areas for relaxation and for shelter from the strong summer sun will be enabled. There will be a wide gastronomic offer and official stores to buy the official bands merchandise. In addition, giant screens at different points of the enclosure will be installed in order to keep the concerts from all over. This year the chosen programming has been specially designed to overcome the crisis: with a high quality poster the full full have been secured.

OASIS leads the cartel, with the presentation of their new album Dig out your soul. Other prominent groups will be: Franz Ferdinand, The Killers, Kings of Leon, Russian Red, Magazine, Cooper, Maximo Park and artists and Spanish groups as Christina Rosenvinge, La Bien Querida, Cooper, The Unfinished Simpathy, Oblique, Nacho Vega or Fangoria. This year the festival tries to recover the national public, relegated in recent years given the avalanche of Anglo-Saxon fibers. Get hooked to the most amazing festival of Spain. Rent your apartments in Valencia and don't miss the International Festival of Benicassim FIB Heineken 2009. You will enjoy like never before! Original author and source of the article

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Moon Palace Change

Drivers of cars with foreign plates, with tinted Windows or appear suspicious are detained and are subject to revision through a metal detector and are asked to identify any person without official accreditation or sealed document may exceed the strict control in the enclosures of the COP-16, and must be put aside before the speed and amplitude of convoys that travel virtually throughout Cancun and Bonfil and Leona Vicario delegations. The opening ceremony was made at the luxurious hotel Moon Palace, where the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, and some personalities gave their speeches. You hear much about participation and transparency in the process of this Summit, heard much of challenges and opportunities, especially the idea of sustainable development and economic growth can go hand in hand. Already some organizations present at the official Forum criticized these mercantilist attitudes and lack of real transparency, as other worlds Chiapas / friends of the Earth Mexico, who participated in a press conference together with friends of the Earth International, Jubilee South and the third world network, demanding that not is again repeating the Copenhagen process and urging the need for commitments strong in reducing emissions of industrialized countries to combat the consequences of climate already real and urgent way is is living in many parts of the world. It should be noted as the source of cited information, points out that from Chiapas, convened by other worlds, will arrive Saturday day 4 more than 250 people who want to hear their voices, learn and share about what is climate change, its causes and its consequences, and express that it can not be business of tragedy harder which mankind may face in these moments. For this reason, with the legacy slogan of the organisations present in Copenhagen, will be heard in Cancun, the change the system, not the climate. Also says that during the interventions of some representatives of industrialized countries, like the United States and the European Union, were put on the table the lack of strong commitment to have real solutions to combat climate change.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

International Tourism

International tourism in the Isla Margarita La Corporation tourism of Nueva Esparta, noted in a report the decline of international tourists to the island of Margarita, thus confirming a fall of more than 50 percent between 2004 and 2010. In 2004 entered 214 thousand 765 foreign tourists at Margarita compared with 60 thousand entries in 2010. The highest point in this period appears in 2006 with 260 thousand visitors. In 2010, two million 563 thousand visitors entered in total to the island, of which 98% is domestic tourism. The Corporation of tourism with the private sector has embarked on a tourism campaign where you have traveled the country promoting the destination, also have been in Colombia. However, they need the help of the Executive to develop more effective policies.

The Corporation has sent a dispatch to the Ministry of tourism when it started the fall of international tourism so that they apply the incentives that appear in the law for tourism, as it is the fuel at a preferential price, among others things and not nothing has been done, he said. Also, he emphasized that this worries them because they make a great effort within its possibilities. In addition, the fact that Venezuela did not have a booth at the tourism fair in Madrid, Spain was widely criticized. Delimiting, how we develop international tourism if we don't have a space beyond.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Venezuela Y Sus Treaties Shops International

New openings are made with dynamism, respect and actions that give step to results that favor all Venezuela in the last decade has given way to new international treaties, especially in the opening of new shops, participation in international markets, which obliges the scholars of this specialty entering in its scope, impact, strengths, threats, this generates. This opportunity presents opinions Forum product that participants of the Chair of international trade of the master in management of Faces Universidad de Carabobo under my responsibility program performs, where Orlando CASTEJoN participant says, that international treaties have as main scope to promote integration between the various actors in the international system so that its guidelines are the result of a fair and balanced interaction in global decision-making, and thus reverse the concentration of power in international organizations and encourage concerted action by countries in developing ( international treaties have their impact on international relations between Member countries and each country's individual environment. I.e. foreign policy directly touch the possibilities to enter increasingly more international treaties and Venezuela do not escape to that reality. The Venezuelan Government has made bilateral agreements with all countries of the American continent from Canada to Argentina, in different aspects and different areas of interest. This makes the Venezuelan foreign policy purely active. One of the treaties more important is the MERCOSUR, the incursion of Venezuela in the markets of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay (MERCOSUR) has decided as a foreign policy of the State, but it will be effective through the dynamism and the direct participation of local entrepreneurs and this is considered to be point of incision directly and indirectly by this Treaty, because the Venezuelan industrial park comes into play, everyone must find a way to be more competitive and This point in a challenge for Venezuelan management.A direct impact with the entry of Venezuela into MERCOSUR is the expansion of its commercial border within the current process of openness and integration.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

International Tourism

International tourism in the Isla Margarita La Corporation tourism of Nueva Esparta, noted in a report the decline of international tourists to the island of Margarita, thus confirming a fall of more than 50 percent between 2004 and 2010. More information is housed here: Facebook. In 2004 entered 214 thousand 765 foreign tourists at Margarita compared with 60 thousand entries in 2010. The highest point in this period appears in 2006 with 260 thousand visitors. In 2010, two million 563 thousand visitors entered in total to the island, of which 98% is domestic tourism. The Corporation of tourism with the private sector has embarked on a tourism campaign where you have traveled the country promoting the destination, also have been in Colombia. However, they need the help of the Executive to develop more effective policies.

The Corporation has sent a dispatch to the Ministry of tourism when it started the fall of international tourism so that they apply the incentives that appear in the law for tourism, as it is the fuel at a preferential price, among others things and not nothing has been done, he said. Also, he emphasized that this worries them because they make a great effort within its possibilities. In addition, the fact that Venezuela did not have a booth at the tourism fair in Madrid, Spain was widely criticized. Delimiting, how we develop international tourism if we don't have a space beyond.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Happy International Day

: unless you realize: already I wrote with a silent love, and realized that you are everything; MAS, what you've loved, are all women, are all my love, woman that you go and leave me today, already you wrote love of all my loves, even when I leave sad today, I remember, even though I understand that every woman you are tu, who resembles, woman of all women, I cry sad because today, also all leave me, if every woman I see love, Muse of my life I would like you to, musa God to man to give, to love woman, as a mother, sister or companion, so it will write until it can be so in silence, quiet without you realize. Ryo. According to molliere, the secret ambition of woman is to inspire love. I say that it already inspires love since you look. Ryo. Original author and source of the article

Thursday, July 4, 2013

World Trade Organization

The Doha round began in 2001. The protracted negotiations receive such name in the World Trade Organization (WTO) to liberalize world trade for the benefit of impoverished countries, according to what was said at the beginning. Fair and free trade that could raise about 100 billion dollars a year, according to the WTO. In the last phase, 35 countries have discussed during nine days to agree on cuts of acceptable agricultural subsidies by rich countries and the allowable import tariffs. After seven years of negotiations, the result is a failure. The main reasons of disagreement have been how much should be trimmed its United States and the European Union (EU) agricultural subsidies, and far we must liberalize commercial banking. According to correspondents of the BBC in Geneva, the most controversial issue was the discussion on the mechanism of safeguarding proposed to India and China, the United States opposed. This mechanism would have meant that countries impoverished they had been able to increase their tariffs of immediate mode in case of massive imports of foreign agricultural products.

United States said to be willing to cut their agricultural subsidies to achieve an agreement on world trade, but China, India and Brazil (the so-called emerging powers) should open their markets to agricultural and industrial products of rich countries, virtually without limit. According to NGO Intermon Oxfam, dedicated to the development and the trade fair, the alleged cuts in agricultural subsidies would have meant almost nothing in the case of United States and for the EU would have only meant a reduction of 2.6 billion euros of a total of 30 billion. Rich countries should have shown greater political leadership for trade reforms that would reduce poverty, but have defended their interests only and have undergone great pressure poor countries to make concessions that have no place in a round which aims the development of poor countries, denounced Intermon Oxfam.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

International Conference

What editions of a work in particular there are in the Library (International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, 1971). This was the first widely recognized enunciation of the goals of the catalog from the Cutter in 1876. Reaffirms the functions of identification (2.1) and (2.2) of the catalog meeting here. These objectives relate to the author title catalogues, so there are no references to matters. On the other hand, the Paris Conference focused on the study of access points, so the goal of selection or evaluation, compliment in general by the bibliographic description, is present only in way side, subsumed in the mention of editions of a work that somehow must be differentiated. The first objective is basically equal to the first objective of Cutter, with the exception of the mention of the matter as search criteria. The item to retrieve is the book, a publication in particular. The author term encompasses not only personal authors, but also corporate entities whose names are used as access points.

The mention of title covers both formal titles and titles drawn up by the cataloger. The second objective, although it is in general the objective of meeting, presents a noticeable difference with the second objective of Cutter. The objective of meeting of Cutter sets that meet categories are by a particular author, on a specific topic in a specific literary genre. The Paris principles establish the objective of meeting for an author, but also for a work, reflecting the position sustained by Lubetzky and other participants in the Congress. The catalog must identify books/publications, and making works. The conflict between the functions of location and meeting did not escape the attention of the participants of the Congress. Eva Verona, in the annotated version of the principles (International Conference on Cataloguing Principles, 1971), express two different functions, they need are presented in section 2.2 of the enunciation of the functions of the catalogue In addition to different media to be carried out, as if they were a single.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Valencia Paper

ALBA Group enters the Spanish market of recycled paper, acquiring the recyclers of paper recycling DOLAF. ALBA Group, one of the leading groups in the world in recycling and raw materials suppliers, goes ahead with its internationalization strategy and has entered into the market of Spanish paper recycling. The contract of sale under notary for the acquisition of 99 per cent of the shares of the recyclers and traders of paper recycling DOLAF, S.L. was signed on Thursday afternoon. The transfer of ownership took effect immediately. The remaining shares are still in the possession of the family Donoso Lafuente, owner of the company to date.

Recycling DOLAF was founded in 1987 and operates in Madrid and Valencia. Its main activity is transportation, sorting, purchase and sale of paper and cardboard. As a company's size medium, recycling DOLAF is well connected and, among other things, it is one of three recipients of material under contracts of municipal disposal of paper and paperboard in Spain (Madrid). In total, recycling DOLAF has a volume of input and output of 100,000 tons of paper and cardboard waste each year. To enter the Spanish market, strengthen our position as suppliers of raw materials in southern Europe, said Dr. Axel Schweitzer, Director delegate of the ALBA Group plc & Co. KG.

The location of Valencia also offers access to the largest port in high sea of Spain, which is something perfect for the international network of the ALBA Group, allowing us to complement our operations in Spain with additional material. To reflect the integration of the new company at ALBA Group, the name has been changed with effect immediately to ALBA services Greens, S.L. About 80 workers in Madrid and Valencia template has been assumed by ALBA Group. More information ALBA Group plc & Co. KG Bismarckstrasse 105 10625 Berlin Tel: + 49-30-35182-326 to learn more about the two pillars of ALBA Group in. You can subscribe to releases of ALBA Group via RSS feed into media contact: Susanne Jagenburg ALBA Group press spokesman Tel: + 49-30-35182-508 or + 49-170-7977003 about ALBA Group: ALBA Group is formed by two pillars, Interseroh and ALBA, and has about 200 subsidiaries and holdings of capital in Germany and other 13 in European countries, USA.UU. and Asia. With 3.2 billion euros and about 9,000 employees annual revenues * ALBA Group is one of the European suppliers of environmental services and raw materials. The operational activities of Interseroh focus on organizing the recovery of packaging and products and the sale of scrap metal. Operational activities of ALBA focus on services of waste disposal in municipal and commercial sectors, the sale of secondary resource, development and operation of recycling and production plants as well as design and performance of the services of the planta.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

New York TCM

Global TCM is a company of rapid growth that provides an integral service of logistics and international transport offering moving door to door, the domicile of origin to the port, boarding consolidated and exclusive containers for individual clients, families, businesses and Government offices around the world. Global TCM has become one of the leading providers in services in the world, to work with the most modern technology, the most skilled workforce, and highest quality equipment to meet the needs and the standard of our customers. Our headquarters are located in New York, from where we manage a global network of more than 450 agents, affiliates with major associations international removals. Global TCM strives to make each and every one his works prove successful and without problems with a special focus on accessibility. Our moving services are customized according to your needs and budget. Your search has ended: Global TCM is the removal company of your choice for your next relocation, anywhere in the world. Your personal adviser of transfer of Global TCM will assist you in every step of the process, from the beginning of your move to its completion.

Our expert professional Packers, our specialized packing techniques, our inventory tracking, and the modern equipment have been designed and placed at the service to achieve a goal: provide the greatest satisfaction to the customer. Our experience and reliability are unmatched within the field of removals. You don't have to worry about anything! With Global TCM, you will have an experience of moving without stress, efficient and personalized. No matter where you go. Global TCM can take it there. An international transfer challenges are unique. Global TCM our highest priority during your international move is that you have a smooth transition into your new home no matter where is. Your dedicated consultant will contact you to discuss the details of his transfer, special needs, logistics involved and the best ways to carry out its shipping and cargo as efficiently and flawlessly as possible.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

EU Foreign Ministers

Bashar Al-Assad delivered his third speech since the start of the protests, which have caused more than one thousand dead in Syria. He has accused criminals, armed groups and Islamic thought radical to be behind the incidents and being responsible for the crisis. Gen. Martin Dempsey may not feel the same. The Syrian President, Bashar Al-Assad, has accused criminals, armed groups sought by the authorities and groups of Islamic radical thought to be behind the incidents and being responsible for the crisis that the country is experiencing. On the other hand, has opted for the national dialogue as the title of the next stage, a very important process because the future of Syria depends on him. In his third speech in the University of Damascus - since the beginning of the protests, which have caused more than 1,000 deaths in the country, Asad has again denounced the existence of a conspiracy against his country international and has announced that he will ask the Ministry of Justice to study the possibility of extending the amnesty granted recently by the regime. It is necessary to distinguish between the legitimate needs of the people of saboteurs who are trying to take advantage of legitimate demands in favor of the reforms, said Al-Assad. We are pushing that we abandon our principles; We will resolve the problems of Syria by ourselves, he warned.

False rumors according to the President, since the unrest began there have been numerous martyrs on both sides and the informations that are spreading abroad about what is happening in your country are based on false rumours. The Group of armed men who committed the massacre of Jisr to the Shughour had arms and sophisticated communications, denounced. Are they are hearing demands for the time of the clashes with the Muslim Brotherhood, he continued. It is paying some people participate in the demonstrations, he denounced. About 64,000 people are wanted by the authorities, although some have been already delivered by itself same, added.

On the other hand, the Syrian President stressed that in the current situation, the future of Syria depends on a national dialogue and insisted the process of reforms promoted by his regime, including the lifting of the emergency State, existing since 1963, and draft electoral law and political parties. The reform process is for us a conviction, he said Al-Assad, who insisted that the reforms have been delayed but not arrested. The President said that these changes will create a new political reality in Syria in which citizens will be participating and announced that a new Parliament will be formed next month of August that will write a new Constitution or amend it. Resolution of condemnation for its part, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs, William Hague, has ensured upon arrival at the EU Foreign Ministers meeting that Assad must leave power if it not undertaken the necessary reforms to democratize Syria. For Hague, the role of Turkey is very important, and hopes to use its influence to move the regime of Al-Assad message that is losing legitimacy. United Kingdom and France, with U.S. backing, are to seek support in the UN Security Council to approve a resolution condemning the Syrian regime, but have the refusal of Russia and China, members with the right to veto, and also of other temporary such as Brazil, South Africa and India. Source of the news: the President of Syria denounces an international conspiracy against his country

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

International Organization

The development and growth of the communities, today requires not only the Government activity but also a greater involvement of citizens and social groups, among these, the companies. The world presents major changes and to consider social, economic and political trends, it seems clear that all those involved in social and productive systems must be aware that there is a need to do something for others. It could be that fashion is doing something for the community, given that it is believed that it gives a good image to the company and, therefore, brings benefits; However, the social actions go far beyond a simple marketing requirement or good business strategy. They have to do with the survival and well-being of social systems in which there are enterprises and, therefore, with the continuity of these. It is clear that the companies are becoming aware of what you should do and what they lack is perhaps greater guidance and promotion of the advantages of doing good to the community as well as the disadvantages of not doing so; and the promotion of new laws that concrete actions are carried out. It is important to consider that the Mexican economy is sustained by small and medium businesses and need of them actions that give a social response. In particular, what are the weaknesses that face SMEs in their environmental management?: lack of qualified personnel to carry out an environmental management. Not have considered in their budget environmental management many consider him a little necessary and very high cost.

They have no polluting toxic and other waste treatment plants. Dealing only with ensuring its stability and livelihoods in the market since the social responsibility passes to the background. Findings one of the most effective solutions to alleviate the problem of environmental responsibility and environmental management is the certification of standards ISO, these certificates granted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) constitute a means to carry out such initiatives. ISO certifies the competence of international auditing firms, which in turn supervise the quality of the processes of manufacture according to the ISO guidelines. Possessed of an ISO certified company, one that aspires to achieve a rapid growth in the international market, especially enjoys a competitive advantage, because you can make your potential customers that respects the high quality standards. The most important firms of the market prefer subcontractors that comply with ISO standards. * Teacher of modern managerial topics Chair graduate of management of quality and productivity * annotations of the Virtual Classroom Chair.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

XXIII International Fair

Bogota held a tribute to the beautiful words in the world, a tribute to the book as the full essence of culture. The 23rd International Book Fair has opened its doors to readers who are interested in throughout Latin America since the Colombian capital annually celebrates one of the most important fairs for Spanish-speaking readers, and of course, in other languages. Due to the year of the bicentennial, the book fair will feature with exhibitions, gastronomy, radio programs and all sorts of activities suggestive of the bicentennial will focus on a full Corferias Pavilion. In addition to rescue the beautiful words of the Spanish and the books containing them the encounter of the digital book will have invited international experts and the larger sample of digital readers which has been in Latin America, which presents that the today beautiful words we only will be in physical books, any medium that allows a reading would be and deep is part of this event. The Bogota international book fair You will take place on 11 to August 23, 2010, 12 days of beautiful words, texts with conscience, with discretion and interested readers know the true cultural essence and authors of human thought. For all this the Bogota book fair is considered one of three editorial events and literature of larger size in Latin America and represents an important source of business for the publishing sector nationally and internationally, positioning itself as the most important cultural event in Colombia and the Andean Region.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Amnesty International

And hunger increases due to the lack of investment in agriculture, unfair competition by lower prices, climate change, the increase in population and the massive demand for biofuels. In addition, millions of people who depend on food aid, as in Zimbabwe, converted to currency of Governments to control their political opposition. The dismissal of hundreds of thousands of migrant workers reduces remittances that amounted to about $ 200 billion annually, and that are an important source of income in countries such as Bangladesh, the Philippines, Kenya and Mexico. This reduces the income of Governments and, therefore, funds for basic goods and services. Steveblank can provide more clarity in the matter. But although the job market shrinks, follows increasing migratory pressure. In 2008 alone, 67,000 people undertook the dangerous voyage to Spain by the Mediterranean; It is not known how many died during the journey. The solution of the countries of the European Union are bilateral agreements with third countries, such as Mauritania, where you can stop arbitrarily detain in precarious conditions and deport without any legal warranty. The same leaders who are busy to bring forward the global economy stimulation programmes continue to ignore bloody conflicts that are spawning massive human rights abuses.

These conflicts exacerbate poverty and threaten regional stability. The world needs a different leadership, a different political and economic model that works equally for all people. A leadership that push solutions inclusive, sustainable and respectful of human rights. But to become effective leaders, the G-20 countries must first address to its own double standard in the defence of human rights. Amnesty International has just launched a new global campaign, demand dignity, which will mobilize people to put pressure on political leaders and company, and achieving accountable for abuses against human rights which generate poverty.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Surely Yes

It also encourages its product through mechanisms of communication and distribution that it promote the action of selling in the right places. The aim of all this is to generate sales, no doubt. However, many are unaware that parallel to this traditional mechanism, there are also a series of elements that can be used to promote word of mouth and are much more powerful and direct than the traditional ones. Word of mouth is a mechanism with high levels of effectiveness. Do know you what percentage of attention pays to his friends or acquaintances?.

Difficult to measure, although surely the figure is approaching 100%. With the same certainty we can say that the percentage of uptake of advertising stimuli hardly reaches a numeral as the previous Balserio recommends, that the first step that must have a marketing campaign mouth is to identify his followers. What satisfied customers who are willing to be our sales agents? Do we identify them?. Surely Yes. Verify the databases that are in their possession and try grouping customers into categories.

If you do not have one (now recommend have it), try to remember or ask their employees what are key customers of the company. Then, ask them what are the aspects that they identify to be regular buyers. Ask them to recommend the product or service to your friends, regalesle something to change. And the friend also. Make your loyal customer to be part of your company, inquire about what would be the aspects that would change in the company. Ask yourself, if: we have customers who are experts in any area? Can we identify opinion leaders? Love your role be guides for action to experts and opinion leaders. After identifying them, I planted their ideas and they will be happy to be their sales agents for free. A word of mouth marketing plan requires that the company can attract potential distributors of information, requires that the company consider what are the proper channels of communication between their clients and, above all, requires a methodical study and subsequent implementation of the plan.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

President Morales

UNHCR did not mention the massive Venezuelan presence in Bolivia, of the followers of the Gorilla's Red beret. These are partners shareholders of the indigenista regime, agents declared banana imperialism which do not need to ask for refuge; Bolivia is his fiefdom. Learn more on the subject from Jon Hendren. In a cultural exchange, the against terrorist joint force of Bolivia (FCTC) has sent his mercenaries receive training in Venezuela. That group is also being trained to provide personal security for President Morales. According to the Commander in Chief of the forces armed Bolivian, Wilfredo Vargas, they not only train them in Venezuela, are sometimes also trained in Argentina and Colombia, when there are special courses in those countries. However the former Commander of the army, Marcelo Antezana, asserted that the Government ordered the dissolution of the FCTC and hired paramilitary 167 which have been trained in the school of condors of the Ingavi Regiment in the city of El Alto, adjacent to La Paz. They are not official Army and were awarded grants to Venezuela to continue his secret training. The scum of the world is coming to Bolivia to take total control of the country, which have already subjected due to sell-patria President.

The next confrontation with civil society, leans with the approval of the new Constitution, which aims to divide the country into 36 autonomous ethnic regions, led by chieftains of the most deeply-rooted andino-amazonico Primitivism. The idea of the Government is supporting 36 indigenous communities giving them support economic, political and military so that they controlled the rest of the Bolivian population. It is easier to direct the country autocraticamente through obedient tribal groups, which democratically through laws. The wild take control of civilization, wreaking havoc with mestizos and whites! The conflict and recoil, carried Bolivia to the level from which came his President: the stone age.

Exploring Considerable Features

While luxury meals are brought up the initial title which wherewithal within the mind is those of caviar. Caviar, as per the phrase foods as well as the farming corporation, FAO is really a type of foodstuff which is made out of ova regarding seafood which are encrusted having a treating of sodium that offers your caviar to distinctive examination. Caviar exists in two kinds, one particular kind that can be acquired is called because pasteurized as the other type in which caviar can be obtained can be non-pasteurized. Others including Hunger Games, offer their opinions as well. It does not take non-pasteurized way of caviar which can be considered the culinary goody, because there is the belief that pastorizzazione from the caviar on one side lowers its monetary value, alternatively the idea reduces the current pandering for you to taste something new. In times past records it s source caviar Black Ocean and Caspian Sea via wherever it's from crazy sturgeon.

Distinction associated with caviar can be directed from your location from where it is often discovered, thus it's possible to have the caviar available as Fish, bass, steelhead, whitefish, mass sea food and so forth. Caviar directions an expense running between $8000-$ 15000 for each kg, the value group staying led through the color, size and consistency also. It can be thought to be the intracacies in dishes and it is sometimes offered in the form of garnishing or as being to spread. Caviar is considered among the supreme delicacies the foodies and lovers might enjoy as it s a very tiny construct of human population on the planet that will get a chance to style along with savor the idea. On the confront than it, it may well appear one of the most silly things that eggs of a distinct selection of seafood is regarded as to intracacies, but that is what sort of whole world of food perhaps performs.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


THE society of consumption since the advent of television was in sum already existing as the cinema, radio and the press media, building an architecture of global integration, which currently generates targeted ways to create a new social behavior called consumerism defined by the Real Academia Espanola as: trend immoderate to acquire, spend or consume goodswhich are not always required. In the world of the consumer society which integrate 1728 million people, whose 28% of the world population (242 million) live in United States (estimated to 2010). Only Americans watch television almost 5 hours a day, at the same time that the use of cell phone and the Internet to watch videos by users has increased, according to a study on the use of these three devices in the United States conducted by Nielsen (2009) market research company. What verifies that no doubt television is the medium that has greater power of conviction in what refers to the decision by buying a product. And although United States is identified by the consumerist lifestyle and style waiting that only arrive the weekend, to go to the mall (malls) in order to acquire products that are fashionable now are: clothes brand, shoes, electronics, among others. Long term this activity take the society to be integrated as part of individualism selfish beings, as if from a young age, are not an individual developing limits regarding the amount of things that can be purchased, in the future this will grow as a person who is unknown limits and therefore is ended as part of a company of citizens merely addition.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Bundesbank Immigrants

The German Chancellor held what's the title of this article angela Merkel who faces a very strong pressure to take a harder line against immigrants. Merkel at a meeting with the youth of his party, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) said that enable people from different cultures to live without that integration did not work in a country where more than 4 million Muslims, of whom 2.5 million are Turks inhabit many of which you can not write, read or speak German. This approach (multicultural), failed, failed completely, said the Foreign Minister in the meeting that was held in Potsdam South of Berlin. His CDU party, pressed in these moments to Merkel Government that directs to take more serious steps with immigrants who are not willing to adapt to German society and it could be that these comments are intended to reassure his critics. The Chancellor argued that Germany had asked very little immigrants in the past and reiterated that they should Learn German for approving school and have opportunities in the labour market. Let us remember that the debate about foreigners in the country got to the Red live with the publication of the book entitled Germany disintegrates, of Thilo Sarrazin, former director of the German Central Bank, who in his work among other things accused Muslim immigrants of lower intelligence of German society. The book cost him the dismissal of the Bundesbank to the author, but in accordance with public opinion studies carried out later, the majority of Germans agreed with their arguments.

A few days ago the important foundation Friedrich Ebert unveiled the results of a poll in which a third of the German population consulted, believes that their country is invaded by immigrants. The same study says that more than 50% of the Germans did not tolerate Muslims and 35% considered that foreigners plunge to Germany, while 10% of respondents showed a more radical opinion on the subject by saying that Germany should be directed with a firm hand by a Fuhrer (leader). German Chancellor in his speech referred specifically to recent statements by the German President Christian Wulff who said that Islam is part of Germany such as Christianity or Judaism. Merkel acknowledged that it is so, but pointed out that immigrants living in the country should do more to integrate, as, for example, learn German: anyone who does not learn German inmedeiatamente, is not welcome, said the Chancellor. The subject that has touched Merkel, is a very sensitive issue, but has told the truth in his assertions and is sad to admit it, but the concept of society multikulti has failed in Germany.

For Love Of Art

What is the origin of the term Creole penalty?. Much I remember the 1970s, when he participated in a musical ensemble playing guitar; the music that we did were Peruvian cumbia, salsa, rhythms and some of Santana. Weekends in had that going to play, I liked to see the television program dances and songs of the Peru, transmitting a was local; He was holding my acoustic guitar, and I would start to follow music chords which interpreted the musicians on television; imagined that he was playing with them; This helped me to know many Creole songs. At the end of the program, I was going to play. This program lasted a long time, and I always followed him in this way. In 75 more or less I started working playing guitar in a venue that was in the block 17 of the Av.

Arenales in Lynx; as I lived in the Rimac, had to spend with minibus by the 3 block of Arenales, and there existed a local which featured Creole show, Charles and his sentence, the I looked from the microbus, and thought: (as I would like to work on the death penalty). To my luck, one of the guitarists who worked there, lived in the Rimac; We met through another musician, and soon time led me to work in that place. Working on the premises, I had the opportunity to join in the musical framework, all the artists that I saw on television, in the program that always followed. There are many experiences, anecdotes and circumstances that I lived on the premises. Alternating with artists and seniors in age, I couldn't know that the term Creole penalty came in the year 1940. In the constitutional province of Callao, Criollo groups were formed to play guitar and sing folk music, and for being near the sea, took this nickname of penalty. Then appeared the musical centers, where also you could participate, singing, playing guitar, cajon and castanets; everyone involved in shifts, nobody was paid nothing. I not asked, nor I wanted to find out in that moment the thing turned commercial, because somehow I was part of this trade, (as graciously said a colleague, us us prostituimos musically speaking) the true meaning of the Creole penalty was that, join a fraternity, where everyone involved singing, playing guitar, playing cajon, castanets, and why not, taking some kind of liquor, and suddenly who knowsthey would prepare Creole dishes, but everything would be as it is for love of art I understand that in some districts of our great metropolitan Lima, continues with this tradition; that especially not degenerate in other aspects, so that folk music, has the presence that deserves and therefore hopefully this persita.

Buenos Aires

They could also opt to stay in a place, if they so decided on the fly, more time of the planned without having to follow the heading pre planned by agencies. Maybe it was more cumbersome because they had to handle, but all four were good conductors and could be exchanged permanently, with what was not transformed into an exhausting task. So they were touring all the points which had advised them. When they arrived in Zapallar, missing only two days to return to Buenos Aires is they fell in love of the place and its people. They were sitting at the table of a bar enjoying a beer accompanied by dishes of the place, when they observed in a next bar were that had a sign saying: owner traspasa local full.

Treat and gave address and phone numbers. The first to see the poster was Jorge who showed it to Daniel. To hear the comment Teresa and Maria they toured their view to the place. -Tell me if it would not be a fantastic idea that the four us did that local owners. It We would work together and devote the rest of our lives to enjoy the serenity and beauty of this place - said Daniel ecstatic and almost without thinking about what he was saying. -Seems to me a fantastic idea - immediately said Maria - in this way not only us this new stage, which has come down to us with our recent wedding but we also would do taking a way of life other than that he had until the date-- but our family is in Buenos Aires - she said Teresa melancholy - I could not see my children and grandchildren on a regular basis. - But instead - answered blunt Daniel - they would have a place free to come on vacation many times wanted to or could do so.